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Products to Help You Sell in Q4


By: Joel Grier and Kimberly Casey

2020 has changed many things and the furniture industry is no exception, we must look at not only the products that have sold well in the past, but here at S.P. Richards, we are always looking towards the future. We are striving to offer our customers the products they need to meet current trends, here are some new products we have added that can help you sell!

Lorell Student Desk Shield - LLR16271

We all know the meaning of the term “Social Distancing” and because of it, we stock products that were not even thought of just a year ago, for example our Lorell Personal Distancing Floor Disc (LLR03184), are a great example of a product that a company needs now and can help meet COVID-19 mandates.

We are seeing these used a lot in schools as students are given the option to go back to the classroom as well as our Lorell Foldable Acrylic Student Desk Shields (LLR16271). Virtual learning means our Classroom by Lorell products are no longer only used in a traditional school setting. Homes are turning into makeshift classrooms, and they need all of the supplies as if they were in a traditional classroom.

Lorell Glass Barrier - LLR55674

Lorell acrylic and glass barriers and dividers are another example of products that are essential to safely getting back to business. Initially everyone put up acrylic barriers, they are now transitioning to premium glass barriers that add to their décor. There are also so many different types of solutions including our new Lorell acrylic panels that attach to existing workstations or directly to desks.

Some businesses have shifted a large portion of their workforce to working remotely, this creates opportunities to sell SOHO (Small Office Home Office) products directly to their employees. There are also companies that have decided to provide their remote workers with work from home essentials such as a desk chair, desk riser and desk accessories. These are on a list that is selected by the company and their employees select from that list. Use your resources to think outside the box and offer a similar program to your customers.

We all hope that our challenges in 2020 are short lived, but until then, creativity is key

to selling!

Let S.P Richards help show you what products are available to help you do that.



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